Virtual Event | USIPA’s Increasing Diversity in Innovation – Capturing America’s Lost Inventors

By on July 13, 2021
Posted In Uncategorized

McDermott is sponsoring the United States Intellectual Property Alliance’s (USIPA) Increasing Diversity in Innovation conference, which is taking place July 26-29, 2021. This virtual event will offer attendees four half-days of programming from leading experts on how to affect meaningful change in your organization. Partner Ahsan A. Shaikh will be presenting his research and moderating a panel at the conference, on the topic of “Reaching Diverse Inventors Using Brainstorm Techniques.”

Click here for more information and to register.

Ahsan Shaikh
Ahsan Shaikh serves as the head of McDermott’s Patent Prosecution practice. He focuses his practice on strategic patent portfolio management and client counseling for computer-related technology companies. Click here to read Ahsan Shaikh's full bio.