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Fifth Circuit Rejects Recruiter’s Trade Secret Misappropriation and Contract Defenses

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed a district court’s decision finding trade secret misappropriation and breach of contract based on a recruiter’s improper use of confidential client information. Counsel Holdings, Incorporated v. Jowers, Case No. 22-50936 (5th Cir. Apr. 1, 2024) (King, Ho, Engelhardt, JJ.) (per curiam).

In April 2006, Evan Jowers was hired by MWK (whose successor is Counsel Holdings) as a legal recruiter. Jowers signed an employment agreement with noncompete and nonsolicitation covenants. During his employment, Jowers relocated to Hong Kong, where he began recruiting for law firms in Asia. Jowers resigned from MWK in December 2006, after which he began working for another recruiting firm in Hong Kong called Legis Ventures.

MWK sued Jowers for trade secret misappropriation and breach of the restrictive covenants in the employment contract. MWK alleged that while Jowers was still employed with MWK, he submitted its candidates for employment through Legis Ventures. After a bench trial, the district court found in favor of MWK on both claims. As to the trade secret claim, the district court concluded that MWK’s customers’ “names, their clients, how much their practices were worth, their language skills, their goals for switching firms, and their law school records” constituted trade secrets. As for the contract claim, the district court found that enforcement of the restrictive covenants was justified because MWK’s client information was a legitimate business interest. Jowers appealed.

The Fifth Circuit affirmed. As to the trade secret claim, the Court explained that Jowers’s employment agreement explicitly required confidentiality and that MWK’s customers requested that Jowers keep their information secret. Despite the restrictions, Jowers divulged MWK’s customer information to others, including a competing recruitment firm, without authorization. The Fifth Circuit agreed with the district court’s determination that Jowers’s actions constituted trade secret misappropriation.

As to the breach of contract claim, Jowers argued that MWK lacked a “legitimate business interest.” The Fifth Circuit found no clear error with the district court’s determination that MWK’s client information was a legitimate business interest that justified enforcement of the restrictive covenant.

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Stryking Noncompete Preliminary Injunction

The US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit upheld a district court’s grant of a preliminary injunction restricting a former employee from working for conflicting organizations or communicating with a competitor’s counsel. Stryker Emp. Co., LLC v. Abbas, Case No. 22-1563 (6th Cir. Feb. 16, 2023) (Clay, Bush, JJ.; Sutton, C.J.) The Court found that the preliminary injunction was an appropriate measure to protect the plaintiff’s confidential information that was consistent with the employee’s noncompete agreement.

Stryker develops and manufactures spinal implants and related medical products. From 2013 through mid-2022, Stryker employed Abbas in various roles relating to finance and sales. As part of his job duties, Abbas led sales and finance projects, assisted with Stryker’s litigation efforts, and cultivated relationships with customers, distributors and sales representatives. These responsibilities required Abbas to have access to Stryker’s confidential information and trade secrets.

In April 2022, Abbas entered into a confidentiality, noncompetition and nonsolicitation agreement with Stryker. This agreement prohibited Abbas from disclosing Stryker’s confidential information without its consent and barred Abbas from working for “any Conflicting Organization” in which Abbas could use Stryker’s confidential information to boost the marketability of a “Conflicting Product or Service.” The noncompete provision was time limited to one year following Abbas’s departure from Stryker.

In summer 2021, a competing spinal implant manufacturer, Alphatec, began recruiting Abbas for a finance position. After determining that the finance position was too similar to Abbas’s previous work at Stryker, Alphatec created a new “sales role” that was allegedly “crafted to protect Stryker’s confidential information.” Abbas resigned from Stryker in May 2022 to take the newly created role.

Shortly after Abbas resigned, Stryker sued for breach of contract, misappropriation of trade secrets and violation of the Michigan Uniform Trade Secrets Act. Stryker also requested a no-notice temporary restraining order (TRO) and preliminary and permanent injunctions. The district court granted Stryker’s motion for preliminary injunction prohibiting Abbas from the following:

  • Working in any capacity for Alphatec or any “Conflicting Organization”
  • Having any ex parte communications with Alphatec’s counsel or otherwise disclosing information concerning Stryker’s litigation strategies.

Abbas appealed, arguing that the noncompetition portion of the preliminary injunction amounted to an industry-wide ban and that the communication portion impermissibly disqualified counsel.

The Noncompetition Provision

The Sixth Circuit first noted that federal law, rather than state law, defines a court’s power to issue a noncompetition restriction in a preliminary injunction. Under federal law, courts have discretion to craft preliminary injunctions based on the equities of a case and can even “proscribe activities that, standing alone, would have been unassailable.” Applying this standard, the Sixth Circuit reasoned that the preliminary injunction was not overly broad but instead preserved the status quo. First, the district court found that Abbas often worked beyond the scope of his position. Second, the district court agreed to entertain a motion to vacate the injunction if Alphatec created a new position for Abbas that Stryker found acceptable. Third, the injunction merely sought to enforce the noncompetition agreement, which [...]

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