Patent Decisions Affecting Pharma and Biotech Companies
Douglas H. Carsten | Anisa Noorassa
The past year brought many developments in the life sciences patent legal space. Three decisions in particular hold potential ramifications for drug makers and patent holders in 2023. This year, the Supreme Court of the United States is also expected to consider standards patents claiming a genus must meet to withstand a validity challenge under Section 112—a ruling that could have a significant impact on patent holders in the biotech industry. Read more.

Trends in the Western District of Texas
Syed K. Fareed | Alexander Piala, Ph.D. | Christian Tatum
Over the past year, two developments infiltrated the Western District of Texas (WDTX) which may decrease the success of venue transfers and keep case volume steady in 2023. These developments could also give plaintiffs more control over where litigation takes place, including more control over having a case tried before Judge Alan Albright in the Waco Division of the WDTX. Read more.

Unified Patent Court and Unitary Patent Update
Charles (Chuck) Larsen | Diana Pisani
Set to open on June 1, 2023, the new Unified Patent Court (UPC) will revolutionize patent enforcement across 17 participating European Union (EU) Member States. The UPC will have exclusive jurisdiction over the new European patents with unitary effect (unitary patents), as well as new and existing national patents obtained through validation of a European patent in participating countries. Companies that hold European patents or conduct business in Europe should prepare for the new system by understanding the UPC’s implications and opportunities. Read more.

Developments in Trademark and Copyright Process and Procedure
Christina L. Martini
Throughout 2022, the procedural rules of the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) and the newly formed Copyright Claims Board (CCB) underwent several developments. The PTO outlined a new administrative process for addressing fraudulent trademark submissions, shortened the response time for trademark office actions and tested procedural rules for the Trademark Modernization Act. Meanwhile, the US Copyright Office issued new rules that govern CCB procedure. These developments should help businesses obtain intellectual property protection more efficiently in 2023. Read more.

Trademark and Copyright Supreme Court Update
Jennifer M. Mikulina | Eleanor B. Atkins
Three interesting intellectual property cases are on the Supreme Court of the United States’ docket in 2023. The Supreme Court’s opinions in these cases could have significant implications for trademark and copyright disputes going forward, so businesses should take note of the rulings when they issue. Read more.

The Impact of the Metaverse and NFTs on IP Protections
Sarah Bro | Joshua Revilla
In 2023, we believe that intellectual property issues in relation to the metaverse, blockchain technologies and crypto assets will continue to be an important focus for brand owners and for businesses entering or expanding into this evolving space. Two metaverse and NFT lawsuits took center stage in 2022 and are important to watch in 2023: Hermès’s suit over MetaBirkins NFTs and Nike’s suit against StockX. Read more.