Anisa Noorassa

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Anisa Noorassa focuses her practice on intellectual property litigation matters. Read Anisa Noorassa's full bio.

Golden State of Mind: Anti-SLAPP Defense Versus Privacy Rights

By on Jul 18, 2024
Posted In Uncategorized

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court’s denial of a motion to strike a putative class action suit brought under Section 425.16 of California’s anti-SLAPP statute, finding that the case fell under an exemption because it sought to enforce an important right under California law. Odette R. Batis v....

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What Do You Meme? TFW Commercial Use Outweighs Fair Use

By on Jun 20, 2024
Posted In Copyrights

The US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit affirmed a district court’s copyright infringement decision, finding that a congressional reelection campaign’s use of a popular meme to solicit donations was commercial in nature and therefore not fair use. Laney Griner v. King for Congress, Case No. 22-3623 (8th Cir. June 7, 2024) (Benton, Erickson,...

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No Home Away From Home: Federal Circuit Confirms PTO Domicile Requirements

By on Feb 22, 2024
Posted In Trademarks

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit confirmed the US Patent & Trademark Office’s (PTO) refusal to register a trademark based on the applicant’s failure to comply with the domicile address requirement of 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.32(a)(2) and 2.189. In re Chestek PLLC, Case No. 22-1843 (Fed. Cir. Feb. 13. 2024) (Lourie, Chen,...

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First Amendment Bowled Over by Lanham Act – Again

By on Jan 25, 2024
Posted In Trademarks

In response to the Supreme Court of the United States’ ruling in Jack Daniel’s, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reconsidered its 2022 decision in Punchbowl v. AJ Press and determined that Jack Daniel’s reset prior Ninth Circuit precedents regarding the interaction of First Amendment rights and the Lanham Act. The Ninth...

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Artificial Inspiration? Style Execution by AI Obviates Human Authorship

By on Dec 21, 2023
Posted In Copyrights

The US Copyright Office Review Board rejected a request to register artwork made using an artificial intelligence (AI) painting application, finding that the applicant “exerted insufficient creative control” over the application’s creation of the work. Second Request for Reconsideration for Refusal to Register SURYAST (Copyright Review Board, Dec. 11, 2023) (Wilson, Gen. Counsel; Strong, Associate...

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Off the Charts: Derivative Work Copyright Registers All Material in Derivative Work

By on Jul 27, 2023
Posted In Copyrights

In a matter of first impression, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed the district court’s partial grant of summary judgment in favor of the defendants, vacated a jury verdict and an award of attorneys’ fees, and remanded an action alleging infringement of copyright in two charts depicting organizational change. The Court...

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Lanham Act Liability May Apply to Copyrighted Material

By on Jun 8, 2023
Posted In Copyrights, Trademarks

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that liability under the Copyright Act and liability under the Lanham Act are not mutually exclusive and that liability under the Copyright Act does not negate trade dress damages under the Lanham Act. Jason Scott Collection, Inc. v. Trendily Furniture, LLC, Case No. 21-16978 (9th...

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Not Today, HAL: Copyright Still Requires Human Input

By on Mar 23, 2023
Posted In Copyrights

The US Copyright Office (USCO) issued a policy statement on March 16, 2023, clarifying its position on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in copyrighted materials. This statement came in the wake of the USCO’s recent decision to revoke partial copyright protection over AI-generated images in a graphic novel. The USCO had previously issued copyright...

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Free Speech Shines Bright, Illuminates Patent Owner’s Right to Allege Infringement

By on Mar 2, 2023
Posted In Patents

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed a district court’s preliminary injunction prohibiting a patent owner from communicating its view that a competitor infringed, finding that the speech restriction was improper because the infringement assertions were not objectively baseless. Lite-Netics, LLC v. Nu Tsai Capital LLC, Case No. 23-1146 (Fed. Cir. Feb....

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2023 IP Outlook: What to Watch in Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law

By , , , , , , , , , , , , , and on Feb 7, 2023
Posted In Copyrights, EU Update, Life Sciences, Patents, Technology, Trademarks

Coming out of 2022, developments around the globe are shaping the intellectual property (IP) landscape in the new year. We are seeing cases at the intersection of IP law and NFTs, the opening of the Unified Patent Court in Europe, and decisions from the Supreme Court of the United States and the Court of Appeals...

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