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The Devil Is in the Details: Bioequivalence, In Vitro Testing Not Enough to Establish Infringement

Addressing for the first time the issue of whether bioequivalence data and in vitro testing can show that an abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) product with different immediate and delayed release portions infringed on a patent, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit upheld the district court’s finding of noninfringement. Galderma Laboratories, L.P. v. Lupin Inc., Case No. 24-1664 (Fed. Cir. Dec. 6, 2024) (Moore, C.J.; Linn, Prost, JJ.)

Galderma owns and markets Oracea® (doxycycline USP) 40 mg capsules, which are used to treat papules and pustules associated with rosacea. Galderma’s patents cover a unique once-daily oral formulation of doxycycline, combining 30 mg of immediate release (IR) and 10 mg of delayed release (DR) pellets. Lupin filed an ANDA to market a bioequivalent 40 mg doxycycline product, featuring 22 mg IR and 18 mg DR pellets, and using the same enteric polymer for the DR portion as Oracea®. Galderma sued Lupin under the Hatch-Waxman Act, alleging patent infringement.

Despite Lupin’s different pellet composition, Galderma contended that Lupin’s product effectively contained 30 mg IR and 10 mg DR because of a “weak enteric coat” on the DR pellets, causing early release of some doxycycline. Lupin presented two key pieces of evidence:

  • A two-stage in vitro dissolution test at pH 1.1 and 4.5, showing some DR pellet release at pH 4.5.
  • Bioequivalence data comparing Oracea® and Lupin’s product.

The district court ultimately ruled in favor of Lupin. Galderma appealed. The issue on appeal was whether Galderma’s evidence of bioequivalence and in vitro testing was indeed insufficient to establish literal infringement or infringement under the doctrine of equivalents (DoE).

The Federal Circuit agreed with the district court: in vitro testing and bioequivalence were not enough to establish literal infringement. Crucially, Galderma’s two-stage in vitro dissolution test didn’t accurately mimic in vivo conditions. The Court highlighted that the pH 4.5 environment used in the test wasn’t physiologically relevant for a fasted stomach, which typically has a pH between 1 and 2. Moreover, the bioequivalence data failed to address the differing proportions of IR and DR pellets. Consequently, the Court found no clear error in the district court’s factual findings.

Nor did the DoE save Galderma. The Federal Circuit applied two different tests: the function-way-result test and the insubstantial differences test. Under the function-way-result test the court is charged with determining whether the accused product performs the same function, in the same way, to achieve the same result as the claimed invention. Under the insubstantial differences test – as its name suggests – the court is charged with determining whether the differences between the claimed invention and the accused product are insubstantial.

Again, Galderma relied on bioequivalence data and its in vitro testing to argue that either DoE test was satisfied. The Federal Circuit was not persuaded, finding no clear error in the district court’s reasoning. As for the function-way-result test, the in vitro testing did not show that Lupin’s ANDA product used the same function or method as the asserted [...]

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Sound the Alarm: Reasonable Royalty Apportionment Analysis Overlooks “Sleep State”

After a jury found infringement of two patents and awarded almost $2.2 billion in damages, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed the infringement finding for one asserted patent, vacated the damages award for the other asserted patent, and reversed the district court’s refusal to allow the alleged infringer to add a licensing defense. VLSI Technology LLC v. Intel Corporation, Case No. 22-1906 (Fed. Cir. Dec. 4, 2023) (Lourie, Dyk, Taranto, JJ.)

VLSI sued Intel for infringement of two patents. During the litigation, third party Finjan underwent a change in control after which it was controlled by the same parent entity as VLSI. Intel sought to amend its answer to add a licensing defense based on the broad definition of “affiliates” in its license agreement with Finjan, arguing that as a consequence of the change in control Intel was licensed to patents owned by VLSI. The district court denied the motion to amend.

At trial, the jury found literal infringement of one patent and infringement under the doctrine of equivalents (DoE) for the other patent. The jury awarded $2.2 billion in damages. Intel appealed.

The patent that the jury found infringed under the DoE was directed to devices, such as computer processors, having the ability to operate at a variety of frequencies. Depending on the operating conditions, a master device can provide a trigger input to a controller in response to a desired increase in device performance, and the controller can then adjust the clock frequency accordingly. Intel argued that the evidence of equivalents presented to the jury was legally insufficient to support a finding of infringement.

The Federal Circuit agreed and reversed the jury’s finding under the DoE. The Court stressed that for a patent owner to prevail under a DoE assertion, it must provide “particularized testimony and linking argument as to the insubstantiality of the differences between the claimed invention and the accused device.” While VLSI’s proof of equivalence was limitation specific, the testimony provided during the trial was insufficient to explain the “insubstantiality” of the differences between the claims and the Intel products. The Court specifically cited trial testimony by VLSI’s expert, who characterized the differences as “a difference of where an engineer draws the line . . . it’s a design choice.” In its explanation of why the analysis and testimony was insufficient, the Court explained that “[i]t is not enough [] to say that the different functionality-location placements were a ‘design choice.’ . . . VLSI had to prove—with particularized testimony and linking argument—that the elements of the Intel arrangement were substantially the same as the elements of the claimed arrangement. But VLSI offered no meaningful testimony doing so.”

Intel also appealed the damages award based on the patent that was found to be literally infringed. That patent was directed to certain features that provide separate scalable (as opposed to fixed) power supply voltages for both processors and memory devices, depending on the need of the device. VLSI’s expert presented a calculation of damages based [...]

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