Eleventh Circuit
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Shell Shocked: Judge’s Travel Plans Turn the Tide in Shrimp Dispute

Addressing the scope of a magistrate judge’s Article III authority, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit vacated a judgment and remanded the case for a new trial because the magistrate judge performed non-ministerial acts without obtaining proper consent. PB Legacy, Inc v. Am. Mariculture, Inc., Case No. 22-12936 (11th Cir. June 18, 2024) (Pryor, C.J.; Brasher, J.) (Jordan, J., concurring).

PB Legacy sued American Mariculture for trade secret misappropriation and other claims after PB Legacy failed to timely remove its shrimp from Mariculture’s facility, which Mariculture then used to start a competing company. During the trial, the district judge instructed that all arguments had to conclude by a certain date because of a scheduled flight. Although arguments ended on time, the jury engaged in extensive deliberations. On the day of the district judge’s flight, he proposed that the magistrate judge receive the jury verdict in his absence. The parties agreed to this arrangement without objection. The jury deliberations continued for three more days. During that time, the magistrate judge not only received the verdict and polled the jury, but also responded to several jury questions and denied Mariculture’s request for verdict clarification. The jury found in favor of PB Legacy. Mariculture appealed, contesting the magistrate judge’s exercise of Article III authority.

The Eleventh Circuit found that the magistrate judge improperly exercised Article III authority without proper consent. The Court clarified when a magistrate judge may exercise Article III authority, noting that while a magistrate judge’s performance of ministerial acts (such as receiving a jury verdict and polling a jury) do not require party consent, non-ministerial acts (such as responding to jury questions) do.

The Court also described how party consent is properly obtained. To avoid potential prejudice, consent for a magistrate judge to exercise Article III authority should be sought outside the presence of both the district judge and magistrate judge. Parties usually provide consent through a joint or separately filed statement, and district and magistrate judges are informed of a party’s consent only once all parties have agreed. In limited circumstances, consent may be implied when the parties are given advanced notice of the magistrate judge’s proposed Article III authority, are made aware of the need to consent, and voluntarily appear to try the case before the magistrate judge.

Against that background, the Eleventh Circuit addressed whether the parties consented to the magistrate judge’s acts in the current case. The Court found that although the district judge had notified the parties that the magistrate judge would receive the verdict in his absence, this act was a ministerial act that the magistrate judge could already perform without consent. However, the district court neither sought nor obtained the parties’ express consent for the magistrate judge to also perform the non-ministerial acts of responding to jury questions and ruling on a party’s request to have the jury clarify the verdict. Implied consent was also lacking because the parties were not given notice of need for consent or their right [...]

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“Common Sense” Governs Tribal Sovereign Immunity Under Federal Contracting Program

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed and remanded a district court’s ruling, holding that waiver of sovereign immunity for claims related to a federal contracting program means the defendant, a sovereign Indian tribe, can be sued and that the district court failed to consider the valid and enforceable nature of the forum. AQuate II, LLC v. Jessica Tedrick Myers and Kituwah Global Gov’t Group, LLC, Case No. 22-12669 (11th Cir. May 1, 2024) (Grant, Abudu, Hull, JJ.)

AQuate II is a business organized under the authority of the Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town. Kituwah Services is organized under the authority of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Both tribal entities compete for and perform federal contracts under the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) Business Development program, which was created to help qualifying small businesses that are owned/controlled by “socially and economically disadvantaged” individuals/groups compete for federal procurement contracts. Jessica Myers, a former AQuate II employee, took a job as the director of administration for Kituwah and allegedly violated her confidentiality commitments by taking copies of contracts, proposals, personnel lists and other secret information. Myers also allegedly contacted her former colleagues at AQuate II to solicit information regarding bids for a federal contract and provided job offers to AQuate II employees contingent upon Kituwah winning the federal contract. AQuate II sued in federal district court, alleging that Myers breached her employment agreements and that she and Kituwah violated both the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 and the Alabama Trade Secrets Act. (18 U.S.C. § 1836; Ala. Code § 8-27-1 et seq.) AQuate II requested a preliminary injunction, and Kituwah and Myers moved to dismiss.

Enrollment in the 8(a) program requires qualifying businesses to agree to “sue and be sued” in US federal courts for “all matters relating to” the Small Business Administration, including its 8(a) program and related participation, loans and contract performance. (13 C.F.R. § 124.109(c)(1).) Kituwah invoked sovereign immunity and claimed it was not subject to suit in federal district court. AQuate II argued that Kituwah had waived its sovereign immunity with respect to claims relating to Kituwah’s participation in the 8(a) program. The district court granted the motion to dismiss, holding that Kituwah had not waived sovereign immunity for the trade secrets claims because AQuate II’s lawsuit did not “relate to” participation in the 8(a) program. The district court dismissed the same claims against Myers, finding that Kituwah was a necessary and indispensable party under Rule 19. Lastly, the district court dismissed the remaining breach of contract claim against Myers under forum non conveniens, concluding that the dispute resolution policy required that the claim be resolved in the Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town court. The district court denied AQuate II’s motion for reconsideration, and AQuate II appealed.

The Eleventh Circuit reversed and remanded, noting that under 1998 Supreme Court precedent, Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma v. Mfg. Techs., “an Indian tribe is subject to suit only where Congress has authorized the suit, or the tribe has waived its immunity.” [...]

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Seeking Harmony: Supreme Court to Consider Retrospective Relief for Timely Copyright Claims Under Discovery Rule

The Supreme Court of the United States agreed to consider whether a copyright plaintiff’s timely claim under the discovery rule is subject to retrospective relief for infringement occurring more than three years before the suit was filed. Warner Chappell Music, et al. v. Nealy, Case No. 22-1078 (Supr. Ct., Sept. 29, 2023) (certiorari granted). The specific question presented is as follows:

Whether, under the discovery accrual rule applied by the circuit courts and the Copyright Act’s statute of limitations for civil actions, 17 U. S. C. §507(b), a copyright plaintiff can recover damages for acts that allegedly occurred more than three years before the filing of a lawsuit.

Music Specialist and Sherman Nealy (collectively, Nealy) filed a copyright infringement suit against Warner alleging that Warner was using Nealy’s musical works based on invalid third-party licenses and in violation of 17 U.S.C. § 501. The alleged copyright infringement occurred as early as 10 years before Nealy filed the lawsuit. The district court denied Warner’s motion for summary judgment on statute of limitation grounds, finding that there was a genuine dispute of material fact regarding when Nealy’s claim accrual occurred. In a separate order, the district court certified for interlocutory appeal whether “damages in this copyright action are limited to the three-year lookback period as calculated from the date of the filing of the Complaint pursuant to the Copyright Act and Petrella.” Warner appealed.

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit agreed with the district court, issuing a decision that where a copyright plaintiff has a timely claim for infringement occurring more than three years before the filing of the lawsuit, the plaintiff may obtain retrospective relief for that infringement.

The Eleventh Circuit’s approach specifically disagreed with the Second Circuit’s approach to the application of the discovery rule, thereby creating a circuit split.

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Back to the Future: Prior Third-Party Settlement Doesn’t Impact Future Trademark Licensees

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled that under certain circumstances a trademark licensee can bring a claim against a third party for unfair competition under the Lanham Act even if the licensing agreement does not expressly authorize it to do so. Overhead Door Company of Kansas City v. OGD Equipment Company, LLC, Case No. 22-10985 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 22, 2023) (Branch, Brasher, JJ.; Winsor, Dist. J., sitting by designation).

This appeal involved three parties: D.H. Pace Company, Overhead Door Corporation and Overhead Garage Door (OGD). All three companies are involved in selling and servicing garage doors. Pace is a licensee of Overhead. Under its license, Pace is permitted to advertise and promote the trade name OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY. OGD is a competitor of Overhead and Pace. Prior to the current appeal, Overhead and OGD had been involved in litigation involving OGD’s alleged trademark infringement and unfair trade practices, which resulted in a settlement. As a part of the settlement, OGD and Overhead could not bring suits against each other. However, the settlement terms were not expressly binding on any current or future licensees of Overhead.

In the current litigation, Pace filed suit against OGD for unfair competition in violation of § 43(a) of the Lanham Act, deceptive trade practices and various state trademark infringement violations. Pace alleged that OGD was leading consumers to believe that it was the same company as, or was affiliated with, Overhead (Pace’s licensor). In response, OGD moved for summary judgment, which the district court granted. The district court ruled that the licensing agreement between Pace and Overhead was a contractual bar to relief because the agreement did not affirmatively give Pace the right to sue. The district court also ruled that as a non-exclusive licensee, Pace lacked standing to bring its suit. The district court held that because Pace’s trademark rights were derived from a licensing agreement with Overhead, by discharging rights in the prior settlement with OGD, Overhead also discharged Pace’s right to sue.

Through a de novo review, the Eleventh Circuit disagreed with the district court’s grant of summary judgment against Pace. As the district court recognized, under § 43(a) of the Lanham Act, parties other than the owner of the mark can bring suit, but here the district court barred Pace’s claims based on the licensing agreement, Pace’s status as a non-exclusive licensee and the settlement agreement between OGD and Overhead. In reversing, the Eleventh Circuit held that none of these reasons was sufficient to bar Pace’s claims.

According to the Eleventh Circuit, the licensing agreement did not bar Pace from suing since there were no contractual term imposing a bar. While a licensee’s right to sue can be restricted, there was nothing in the licensing agreement at issue that limited Pace’s right to sue. The license agreement did not address trademark enforcement or either party’s ability to sue.

The Eleventh Circuit explained that the district court misread the Eleventh Circuit’s 2019 decision in Kroma Makeup v. Boldface [...]

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Out of Tune: Eleventh Circuit Permits Retrospective Relief for Timely Copyright Claims under Discovery Rule

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit furthered a circuit split in holding that, as a matter of first impression, a copyright plaintiff’s timely claim under the discovery rule is subject to retrospective relief for infringement occurring more than three years before the suit was filed. Nealy v. Warner Chappell Music, Inc., Case No. 21-13232 (11th Cir. Feb. 27, 2023) (Wilson, Jordan, Brasher, JJ.)

Section 507(b) of the Copyright Act includes a three-year statute of limitations that runs from the time the claim accrues, and a claim may only accrue one time under the discovery rule. In 2014, the US Supreme Court held in Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., that the equitable doctrine of laches does not bar copyright claims that are otherwise timely under the three-year limitations period set forth in § 507(b). The circuits are split on Petrella’s application—the Second Circuit strictly limits damages from copyright infringement to the three-year period before a complaint is filed, whereas the Ninth Circuit permits retrospective relief for infringement occurring more than three years before the lawsuit’s filing as long as the plaintiff’s claim is timely under the discovery rule.

Music Specialist and Sherman Nealy (collectively, Music Specialist) filed a copyright infringement suit against Warner alleging that Warner was using Music Specialist’s musical works based on invalid third-party licenses and in violation of 17 U.S.C. § 501. The alleged copyright infringement occurred as early as 10 years before Music Specialist filed the present lawsuit. The district court denied Warner’s motion for summary judgment on statute of limitation grounds, finding that there was a genuine dispute of material fact regarding when Music Specialist’s claim accrual occurred. In a separate order, the district court certified for interlocutory appeal whether “damages in this copyright action are limited to the three-year lookback period as calculated from the date of the filing of the Complaint pursuant to the Copyright Act and Petrella.” Music Specialist appealed.

The Eleventh Circuit concluded that where a copyright plaintiff has a timely claim for infringement occurring more than three years before the filing of the lawsuit, the plaintiff may obtain retrospective relief for that infringement. The Court found that Petrella focused on the application of 17 U.S.C. § 507(b) to claim accrual under the injury rule, not the discovery rule, and was therefore inapplicable. The injury rule precludes recovery for harms occurring earlier than three years before the plaintiff files suit. On the other hand, the discovery rule permits damages recovery for infringing acts that copyright owners reasonably become aware of years later. Therefore, the discovery rule permits timely claims for infringement that occurred more than three years before the suit. The Eleventh Circuit found that the Supreme Court expressly reserved application of the discovery rule’s propriety for a future case and that, in the Eleventh Circuit’s opinion, the plain text of the Copyright Act does not place a time limit on remedies for an otherwise timely claim.

Practice Note: The Eleventh Circuit disagreed with the Second Circuit’s [...]

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All the Benefits of a Reverse Triangular Merger, None of the IP Merger Mess

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed a district court’s summary judgment dismissal of plaintiff’s claim that the defendant failed to provide a payment conditioned on the sale, merger or transfer of certain intellectual property since ownership was not transferred via the merger. GSE Consulting, Inc. v. L3Harris Techs., Inc., Case No. 22-10647 (11th Cir. Feb. 8, 2023) (Rosenbaum, Lagoa, Wetherell, JJ.)

L3Harris specializes in defense and information technology and until recently was known as Harris Corporation. The name change from Harris to L3Harris was the result of a reverse triangular merger it executed over 2018 and 2019 whereby its subsidiary, Leopard Merger Sub, merged with its target, L3 Technologies.

In 2008, Harris and GSE combined forces to develop an oil sands heavy oil recovery process. In addition to yielding intellectual property relating to the process’s corresponding radio frequency heating technology, the collaboration resulted in a consulting agreement that would have extended through December 31, 2022. Under the consulting agreement, GSE provided its specialized infrastructure and energy consulting services on call and assigned all its rights to intellectual property developed under the agreement to Harris. In return, GSE received base pay and the right of first refusal for 10% of the direct labor workshare of Harris’s radio frequency heating projects.

The consulting agreement also included several payment conditions to benefit GSE or mitigate its risk. GSE believed that the Harris-L3 merger triggered the following condition to the tune of $4 million:

6.b. Payments calculation for the following to be 3% of market capitalization, capped at $4M:


  1. in the event the IP is sold, merged or transferred and the primary basis of the sale is not the IP.

GSE argued that the intellectual property relevant to the consulting agreement had “merged” because the Harris-L3 plan of merger addressed that intellectual property and included it in the merger. GSE therefore issued a $4 million invoice to L3Harris.

L3Harris rejected the invoice, arguing that while the plan of merger addressed the relevant intellectual property, the relevant language declared that the merger would have no effect on Harris and L3’s respective ownership interests: “all such rights will survive unchanged after the consummation of the [merger].” According to L3Harris, ownership of the relevant intellectual property did not change through the merger. Not long after rejecting GSE’s invoice, L3Harris also shut down its radio frequency heating program.

GSE subsequently filed a lawsuit alleging breach of contract, and the parties filed competing summary judgment motions. GSE maintained its position that it was owed $4 million but also argued that if the district court found the payment provision ambiguous then it should consider testimony from those who brokered the agreement demonstrating that a corporate merger was sufficient to trigger payment. L3Harris argued that the provision was unambiguous and thus Florida law prohibited considering extrinsic evidence. L3Harris also argued that its merger didn’t involve anything that triggered payment (i.e., the relevant intellectual property was not sold, merged or transferred).

The district court granted [...]

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I Know That Brand . . . Or Do I? Reviewing the Eleventh Circuit’s Likelihood of Confusion Analysis

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed and remanded a district court’s summary judgment ruling finding no likelihood that consumers might be confused as to any relationship between competitors operating in the same state, in similar trade channels and using a mark having the same primary word component. The Court held that a reasonable factfinder could determine that there was a likelihood of confusion between the parties’ marks as used in commerce. FCOA LLC v. Foremost Title & Escrow Services LLC, Case No. 19-13390 (11th Cir. Jan. 12, 2023) (Branch, Grant, Tjoflat, JJ.)

FCOA is an insurance company that has been selling and marketing insurance policies using FOREMOST marks since 1952. Foremost is a shell company selling title insurance on behalf of a law firm. Both parties operate in Florida. Seven months after Foremost started using its FOREMOST mark, FCOA sent Foremost a cease-and-desist letter. Foremost disputed the trademark infringement allegations and denied having any knowledge of FCOA or FCOA’s FOREMOST marks. The district court denied FCOA’s summary judgment motion and granted Foremost’s cross-motion for summary judgment, holding that FCOA failed to show a likelihood of confusion between the marks. FCOA appealed.

The Eleventh Circuit reviewed the district court decision de novo. Since there was no dispute that FCOA’s marks were valid, the Court focused its trademark infringement analysis on whether Foremost’s FOREMOST mark was likely to cause consumer confusion. It did so by analyzing its eight likelihood of confusion factors:

  • Actual confusion is the most important factor in the analysis. The Eleventh Circuit found no evidence that consumers actually confused the parties’ marks in the period between Foremost’s allegedly infringing acts and the lawsuit filing. Therefore, this factor weighed against a likelihood of confusion.
  • A mark’s strength/distinctiveness is the second most important factor because it analyzes the scope of the mark’s protection. The Eleventh Circuit found that FCOA’s FOREMOST mark was distinctive because, although the word mark in isolation is descriptive, it achieved secondary meaning through consumer recognition and commercial strength. The Court did not find Foremost’s list of likely inactive businesses using FOREMOST to be compelling rebuttal evidence. Therefore, this factor weighed in favor of a likelihood of confusion.
  • Similarity of the marks is relevant because the likelihood of confusion increases as the marks share more overall similarities. The Eleventh Circuit focused on the distinctive parts of the marks, noting that both logos feature FOREMOST prominently in bold, have two lines of text and are similarly centered and stylized. While there are differences in the logo fonts and colors, the Court determined that this factor still weighed in favor of confusion because consumers are unlikely to be discerning about these differences.

  • Similarity of the products that the marks represent is relevant in determining whether consumers think the marks originate from a single source. The Eleventh Circuit determined that [...]

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On the Border of Art and Trademark: First Amendment Trumps the Lanham Act

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit weighed trademark rights against free speech considerations and found that the First Amendment protected use of an artistic work that was not deliberately misleading. MGFB Properties Inc. et al. v. 495 Productions Holdings LLC et al., Case No. 21-13458 (11th Cir. Nov. 29, 2022) (Luck, Brasher, Hull, JJ.) (Brasher, J., concurring).

The suit was brought by MGFB Properties, Flora-Bama Management and Flora-Bama Old S.A.L.T.S. (collectively, the plaintiffs). The plaintiffs own and operate the Flora-Bama Lounge, Package and Oyster Bar on the Florida-Alabama border. The lounge has been in business since 1964 and is well known in the region. The plaintiffs registered their trademark FLORA-BAMA in 2013.

Viacom and 495 Productions (collectively, the defendants) produce reality television series, such as the hit 2009 series Jersey Shore. In light of Jersey Shore’s success, the defendants produced several spinoffs. In 2016 the defendants decided to develop a new spinoff based on “southern beach culture” and chose the term “Floribama” to describe “relaxing Florida beaches with the down-home Southern vibe of Alabama.” The defendants were aware of the name’s connection to the Florabama Lounge but used the term regardless to identify a specific stretch of the Gulf Coast (the Florida and Alabama coasts) and inserted dialogue into the show to explain the term. The show’s logo emphasized its connection to the Jersey Shore franchise:

The plaintiffs argued that the defendants’ use of “Floribama” was a violation of the Lanham Act and caused unfair confusion and damage to their brand. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. Plaintiffs appealed.

The Eleventh Circuit upheld the district court’s judgment that the defendants’ First Amendment rights as the creators of an artistic work outweighed the plaintiffs’ interest in their trademark and in avoiding confusion around their brand: “[c]reative works of artistic expression are firmly ensconced within the protections of the First Amendment.” In reaching its outcome, the Court applied the 1989 Rogers v. Grimaldi test.

Under the first prong of the Rogers test, “an artistically expressive use of a trademark will not violate the Lanham Act unless the use of the mark has no artistic relevance to the underlying work whatsoever.” Here, the Eleventh Circuit found that the defendants’ use of the term “Floribama” to describe the geographic area featured in Floribama Shore and the subculture of that region satisfied the first element of the Rogers test. The Court held that it was sufficient for the defendants’ use of “Floribama” to be relevant to their show, even if the term was not “necessary” to production of the show.

Under the second prong of the Rogers test, the Eleventh Circuit found that the defendants’ use of “Floribama” was not explicitly misleading “as to the source or content of the work” [...]

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Too Quick to Be Lit—Need to Serve That Complaint First

The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed a default judgment and monetary award in favor of the plaintiff, which was issued in a case where the plaintiff filed (but never served) an amended complaint in a copyright infringement action. The Court concluded that the amended complaint stated a new claim for relief but was not properly served on the defendants in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Anthony Campbell v. Rayshawn Bennett et al., Case No. 21-10978 (11th Cir. Sept. 7, 2022) (Wilson, Branch, Lagoa, JJ.) (Lagoa, J. concurring)

In 2015, Anthony Campbell (professionally known as Rackboy Cam) wrote and recorded a song called “Everything Be Lit,” and registered his copyright with the US Copyright Office in February 2017. Later, in 2018, Rackboy Cam filed suit against June James, Rakim Allen, Rayshawn Bennett (professionally known as YFN Lucci) and Think It’s a Game Records (TIG) for copyright infringement based on Bennett’s 2016 recording and release of a similar song, “Everyday We Lit.” The complaint alleged infringement under 17 U.S.C. §§ 106 and 501 and sought “an award of … actual damages, trebled, as well as all profits Defendants derived from infringing the Plaintiff’s Copyright in the Work,” statutory damages and injunctive relief.

James and Allen failed to respond to the initial complaint and the district court entered a default against them. Rackboy Cam later filed an amended complaint, requesting for the first time an award of actual damages in the form of “all profits Defendants derived, jointly and severally,” from the infringing work. In the amended complaint, Rackboy Cam did not request statutory damages. As before, James and Allen did not respond. Rackboy Cam ultimately settled with the other defendants, and they were dismissed from the action.

The district court ultimately entered a default judgment against James and Allen, awarding almost $1.5 million in profits, jointly and severally, as well as prejudgment interest, a permanent injunction, a perpetual 50% running royalty against future infringement and costs to Rackboy Cam.

James moved the district court to set aside the default, arguing that he was not properly served with the initial complaint—an argument rejected by the district court. The district court concluded that because James defaulted prior to the filing of the amended complaint, and since the amended complaint did “not allege or request new or additional relief from Allen and James,” the plaintiff was not required to have served it on James under Fed. R. Civ. P. 5. Rackboy Cam then moved for entry of a default judgment and requested the above award. The district court granted the motion and James appealed.

The issue before the Eleventh Circuit was whether the amended complaint contained a new claim for relief—joint and several liability for profits—and whether Rackboy Cam was therefore required to serve the amended complaint.

Under Rule 5, service of a pleading filed after the initial complaint is not required on a party who is in default for failing to appear, unless the pleading asserts a [...]

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Play It Again and Again (Sam): Meanwhile No Injunction, No Fees

In its third opportunity to review the district court’s decision in this trade secret case involving flooring, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit again reversed, this time vacating a permanent injunction and an award of attorneys’ fees. The Eleventh Circuit noted that the district court failed to make the findings required to support an injunction and abused its discretion in awarding full fees notwithstanding prior reversal of relief awarded. AcryliCon USA, LLC v. Silikal GmbH, Case No. 21-12853 (11th Cir. Aug. 29, 2022) (Newsom, Marcus, JJ.; Middlebrooks, Distr. J.)

In an earlier appeal in this case, the Eleventh Circuit reversed a ruling on trade secret misappropriation rendered by the district court in favor of AcryliCon USA (AC-USA) and vacated the damages award. An aspect of the Court’s ruling was that the “permanent” injunction entered by the district court was only preliminary in nature (not permanent) and was, as a matter of law, dissolved because the district court did not include it in the original final judgment. On remand, the district court was ordered to determine the appropriate amount of attorneys’ fees the prevailing party should receive. However, the district court just entered the same amount of attorneys’ fees it had originally awarded and again entered a “permanent” injunction barring the use of the trade secret at issue, concluding that it was obliged to do so by the Eleventh Circuit’s ruling in the first appeal.

In the second appeal, the Eleventh Circuit held that AC-USA failed, as a matter of law, to prove its misappropriation claim and reversed the judgment entered in favor of AC-USA on that count. The Court also reversed the district court’s judgment that its $1.5 million damages award could be sustained on the basis of the contract claim once the misappropriation claim was reversed. The Court ruled that, as a matter of law, since AC-USA had failed to prove actual damages on its consequential damages theory, it could only recover nominal damages based on its breach of contract claim. Finally, the Court concluded that AC-USA was entitled to attorneys’ fees only on its breach of contract claim because, under Georgia law, even a nominal damages award would still materially alter the legal relationship between the parties.

In the second remand, the district court awarded essentially the same amount of attorneys’ fees ($1.3 million) to AC-USA but acknowledged that, since Silikal prevailed in vacating the award of compensatory and punitive damages, Silikal “was the prevailing party on the appeal under the terms of the [agreement]” and was entitled to almost $500,000 in attorneys’ fees for its successful appeal. The district court also awarded $100 in nominal damages to AC-USA for its successful appeal on the breach of contract claim. The district court then entered a permanent injunction enjoining Silikal “from disclosing or using in any way, directly or indirectly, the [ . . . resin . . . ] to anyone other than Plaintiff.”

Both parties appealed. AC-USA appealed the award of [...]

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