Federal Circuit
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Later-Filed, Earlier-Expiring Patent Not an ODP Reference

Addressing invalidity due to obvious-type double patenting (ODP) based on later-filed-related patents, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed a district court’s application of In re Cellect (Fed. Cir. 2023) and held that the later-filed, earlier-expiring continuation patents were not available as ODP references against the earlier-filed, later-expiring patent. Allergan USA, Inc. v. MSN Labs Private Ltd., Case No. 24-1061 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 13, 2024) (Lourie, Dyk, Reyna JJ.)

In 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration approved a new drug application for a drug sold by Allergan to treat the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. In 2019, Sun Pharma filed an abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) seeking to market a generic version of the drug. Allergan then sued Sun Pharma and MSN Labs for infringement of four patents related to the drug. One of the patents, which claims a compound of the drug, had been granted almost three years of patent term adjustment (PTA) and was followed by two more patents from continuation applications in the same patent family. The other three patents all claimed tablet forms of the drug. The claims of one of the patents recited that a glidant was optional while the claims of the other two patents did not require a glidant at all.

The US District Court for the District of Delaware held a three-day bench trial and concluded that the asserted claim of the compound patent was invalid under the ODP doctrine and that the claims of the three tablet patents were invalid for lack of written description. On the issue of ODP, the district court found Allergan’s “first-filed, first-issued” distinction “immaterial.” The district court stated that “[w]hen analyzing ODP, a court compares patent expiration dates, rather than filing or issuance dates.” Allergan appealed.

The Federal Circuit reversed on both issues. The Court held that the claims of the later-filed, earlier-expiring continuation patents were not available as ODP references against the first patent because the purpose of the ODP doctrine is to prevent patentees from obtaining a second patent to effectively extend the life of the first patent. The Federal Circuit explained that the district court misread Cellect as binding it to solely consider expiration dates in the ODP analysis. The Court explained that Cellect only controls to the extent that it requires a court to consider the later-filed patent’s expiration date (i.e., the expiration date after the addition of PTA) in its ODP analysis, not the expiration date that it would have shared with the reference patents in the absence of a PTA award. The panel majority emphasized that it does not follow that the later-filed patent must be invalidated by the earlier-filed reference patents simply because it expires later. The majority noted that “Cellect does not address, let alone resolve, any variation of the question presented here – namely, under what circumstances can a claim properly serve as an ODP reference – and therefore has little to say on the precise issue before us.”

The Federal Circuit also [...]

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Blurred Vision: Appeal Dismissed for Lack of Standing

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit dismissed a patent challenger’s appeal in an inter partes review (IPR) because the challenger could not meet the injury-in-fact requirement for Article III standing. Platinum Optics Tech. Inc. v. Viavi Solutions Inc., Case No. 23-1227 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 16, 2024) (Moore, Taranto, JJ.; Checchi, Dist. J, sitting by designation).

Viavi Solutions owns a patent directed to optical filters that include layers of hydrogenated silicon and to sensor systems comprising such optical filters. Platinum Optics Technology (PTOT) petitioned for IPR. The Patent Trial & Appeal Board found that PTOT had failed to establish that the challenged claims were unpatentable. PTOT appealed.

The Federal Circuit dismissed the appeal, finding that PTOT did not have Article III standing. The Court explained that while Article III standing is not required to appear before an administrative agency (such as the US Patent & Trademark Office), such standing is required once a party seeks judicial review in an Article III federal court. PTOT argued it had standing because of potential infringement liability due to its continued distribution of a product previously accused of infringing the patent and its development of new models of the previously accused product. The Court rejected both arguments.

First, PTOT asserted that it suffered an injury in fact because there was a likelihood that Viavi would sue again. PTOT relied on a letter from Viavi stating that it did not believe PTOT could fulfill its supply agreements with noninfringing products. The Federal Circuit disagreed with PTOT’s assertion, concluding that mere speculation about the possibility of suit, without more, is insufficient to confer Article III standing. Moreover, the Court noted that Viavi’s letter was sent prior to the patent infringement suits, which were dismissed with prejudice. Thus, the Court found that PTOT had not established an injury in fact based on potential infringement liability due to its continued distribution of a previously accused product.

Second, PTOT asserted that it suffered an injury in fact based on its development of new models of the previously accused product. PTOT’s argument was supported by a declaration from a Deputy Director of Operation Management at PTOT and the same letter from Viavi threatening future suit. The Federal Circuit did not find the declaration testimony compelling. It explained that the declaration, which generally alleged that PTOT continued to develop new models of the previously accused product, did not identify any specific concrete plans for PTOT to develop a product that might implicate the patent. The declaration did not explain the particulars of these new models or how the models might relate to the patent. The Court found that the declaration was insufficient to establish that PTOT’s development activities created a substantial risk of infringement or were likely to cause Viavi to assert infringement. The Court noted that the letter from Viavi did not specifically address models in development or foreclose PTOT’s ability to develop a noninfringing product.

Thus, the Federal Circuit concluded that PTOT failed to establish an injury [...]

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Patent by Secret Process: Perils of Pre-Patent Profiting

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed the International Trade Commission’s (ITC) determination that the asserted process patents were invalid under the America Invents Act (AIA) because products made using the patented process were sold more than one year before the patents’ effective filing dates. Celanese International Corporation, et al. v. International Trade Commission, Case No. 22-1827 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 12, 2024) (Reyna, Mayer, Cunningham, JJ.)

Celanese owns patents that cover a process for making the artificial sweetener acesulfame potassium (Ace-K). It was undisputed that Celanese’s patented process was in secret use in Europe and that Ace-K produced using this process had been sold in the United States before the patents’ effective filing dates. Under pre-AIA caselaw, such sales of products made using a secret process before the critical date would trigger the on-sale bar and invalidate any later-sought patent claims on that process. However, because Celanese’s patents had effective filing dates after March 15, 2013, the AIA rules applied. Thus, the case hinged on whether the AIA altered this rule.

In 2019, in Helsinn v. Teva, the Supreme Court addressed similar facts and confirmed that the Federal Circuit’s pre-AIA “on sale” case law, which established that “secret sales” could invalidate a patent, still applied. In Helsinn, the patentee had obtained a patent related to a fixed dose of palonosetron. Prior to the critical date, the patentee entered into a supply and purchase agreement with a third party that covered this same fixed dose of palonosetron. The Supreme Court concluded that Congress, by reenacting similar language in the AIA concerning the on-sale bar, appeared to have adopted the Federal Circuit’s pre-AIA interpretation of the on-sale bar. Accordingly, the Supreme Court held that, consistent with Federal Circuit pre-AIA precedent, an inventor’s prior sale of an invention to a third party can qualify as invalidating prior art even if the third party is obligated to keep the invention confidential.

However, unlike in Helsinn, where the claimed invention was the very subject of the commercial sale at issue, Celanese’s patents covered the secret process used to make Ace-K, and it was only the resulting Ace-K that was the subject of commercial sale – not the patented process itself. Although this distinction would not alter the outcome under pre-AIA law, Celanese averred that the AIA had revised the rules for this specific situation. To support its theory, Celanese referenced, among other things, the AIA’s use of the phrase “claimed invention” as opposed to simply “invention” as recited in pre-AIA discussion of the on-sale bar. According to Celanese, this change implied that the invention specifically “claimed” must be on sale to qualify as invalidating prior art.

The ITC rejected Celanese’s argument, concluding that the AIA did not alter the pre-AIA rule that “a patentee’s sale of an unpatented product made according to a secret method triggers the on-sale bar to patentability.” Accordingly, the ITC found that Celanese’s patents were invalid because Celanese sold Ace-K made using its secret process more [...]

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Unbranded Brandy: COGNAC Certification Mark Matters, Even in Hip-Hop

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit vacated a ruling from the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board, disagreeing with the Board’s dismissal of Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac’s opposition to a trademark application filed by Cologne & Cognac Entertainment related to a hip-hop record label. Bureau National Interprofessionnel Du Cognac v. Cologne & Cognac Entertainment, Case No. 23-1100 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 6, 2024) (Lourie, Clevenger, Hughes, JJ.)

The certification mark COGNAC is protected by two entities: the Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac (the interprofessional union of all growers, producers and merchants of COGNAC spirits) and the Institut National des Appellations d’Origine (an administrative agency within the French government) (collectively, the opposers). Unlike a trademark that indicates a single source for a product, a certification mark is used by an entity other than the owner and is typically used to certify regional or other origin-related characteristics of the product (e.g., FLORIDA oranges, DARJEELING tea or GEORGIA peaches). The opposers are responsible for controlling and protecting the common law certification mark COGNAC for brandy manufactured in the Cognac region of France according to particular standards.

The applicant filed a trademark application in March 2019 seeking registration of a composite trademark for Cognac & Cologne Entertainment to be used for hip-hop music and production services.

The opposers opposed that trademark application, claiming priority and arguing both a likelihood of confusion with the COGNAC certification mark and that the applicant’s mark, by creating an association with the COGNAC mark, would likely cause dilution through blurring. In a split decision, the Board dismissed the opposition, finding no likelihood of consumer confusion and no likelihood of dilution. The opposers appealed.

For likelihood of confusion, the opposers argued and the Federal Circuit agreed that:

  • The Board applied the wrong legal standard for “fame,” and its finding that the COGNAC mark was not famous was not supported by substantial evidence.
  • The Board legally erred in analyzing similarities in the parties’ marks, and its allegedly inconsistent findings showed that its conclusion on similarity was not supported by substantial evidence.
  • The Board applied the wrong legal standard in evaluating the relatedness of goods, trade channels and consumers.

The Federal Circuit reviewed the Board’s decision, working through each issue in turn. First, the Court assessed likelihood of confusion, reviewing the Board’s ultimate legal conclusion de novo and underlying factual findings for substantial evidence. The Court analyzed the DuPont factors to assess whether a likelihood of confusion existed.

Fame: DuPont factor five assesses the fame of the prior mark, including sales, advertising and length of use. Fame is not binary, but instead is a spectrum from very strong (i.e., very famous) to very weak. More famous marks have more extensive public recognition and renown and accordingly are afforded a broad scope of protection. The Federal Circuit found multiple reversible errors in the Board’s fame analyses.

The Federal Circuit explained that the first Board error was its requirement [...]

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Not Just a Blip: Section 101 as Affirmative Defense

On appeal from a motion to dismiss based on subject matter eligibility, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that a district court appropriately analyzed certain claims as representative claims and that the claims were directed to an abstract idea and did not recite an inventive concept. Mobile Acuity, Ltd. v. Blippar Ltd., Case No. 22-2216 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 6, 2024) (Lourie, Bryson, Stark, JJ.)

Mobile Acuity sued Blippar for infringement of claims from two patents directed to software for accessing stored information with a captured image. Mobile Acuity’s operative second amended complaint asserted that Blippar infringed “at least Claims 9, 11, and 16” of one patent and “Claims 9, 11, and 16” of the other. Blippar asserted that claim 9 of each patent was “representative of the entire claim set in each respective Asserted Patent” and that the patents were invalid under 35 U.S.C. § 101. The district court granted Blippar’s motion and subsequently denied Mobile Acuity’s motion to amend the judgment and for leave to file a third amended complaint.

Mobile Acuity appealed, asserting that the district court committed several errors, including the treatment of claim 9 in each asserted patent as a representative claim and the holding that the asserted patents were invalid as claiming ineligible subject matter.

Mobile Acuity first argued that the district court erred in holding that a challenge under § 101 is not an affirmative defense. The Federal Circuit agreed that an eligibility challenge on § 101 grounds is an affirmative defense but found that the district court simply misspoke when it stated during oral argument “[w]e are not talking about an affirmative defense.” However, the Federal Circuit concluded that the “error in word choice was harmless because the district court applied the correct legal standard for evaluating an affirmative defense at the motion to dismiss stage.”

In support of its denied motion to amend, Mobile Acuity argued that “the district court required it to ‘anticipate [the] defendant’s affirmative defense in its complaint.’” The Federal Circuit rebuffed this argument, concluding that the district court did not grant the motion to dismiss on the grounds that Mobile Acuity failed to address patentable subject matter in its complaints but correctly dismissed based on an affirmative defense that “clearly appears on the face of the pleading.” The Court stated that “as we have repeatedly recognized, it is possible and proper to determine patent eligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101 on a Rule 12(b)(6) motion.”

On the merits, the Federal Circuit first determined that the district court did not merely treat claim 9 of each of the asserted patents as representative of all claims. The Federal Circuit explained that “the court did more, separately analyzing all six claims Mobile Acuity specifically identified in the operative complaint,” as well as two additional claims. The Federal Circuit also agreed with the district court that the six claims were representative “of all claims of the two Asserted Patents.”

As to the merits of the motion to dismiss, [...]

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Unified Front: No Forfeiture by Failing to Raise Argument in Request for Rehearing

Addressing forfeiture of issues on appeal and sufficiency of the asserted prior art, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit upheld a Patent Trial & Appeal Board obviousness finding, explaining that a party does not waive arguments on appeal by failing to include them in a request for rehearing. Voice Tech Corp. v. Unified Patents, LLC, Case No. 22-2163 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 1, 2024) (Lourie, Chen, Cunningham, JJ.)

Unified Patents petitioned for inter partes review (IPR) of a Voice Tech patent that purported to improve upon the prior art by allowing a single mobile device to access and control various native applications and functions on a computer. Unified alleged that the challenged claims were unpatentable as obvious over three prior art references. The Board agreed and found that all of the challenged claims were unpatentable. Voice Tech appealed.

Voice Tech argued that Unified’s petition failed to identify any disclosure in the prior art that taught the “mobile device interface” claim limitation in the challenged claims because Unified’s claim analysis failed to expressly mention a “mobile device interface.” The Board dismissed this argument, finding that Unified properly mapped its analysis of other patent claims to the “mobile device interface” claim recitation and presented a sufficient argument regarding obviousness. The Federal Circuit agreed that one of the prior art references taught a “mobile device interface.” The Court found that the Board did not rely on a new theory not found in the IPR petition, but instead had mapped the “mobile device interface” limitations to the prior art because the petition itself raised the theory.

Voice Tech also argued that the Board had failed to properly interpret certain claim terms. Unified countered that Voice Tech forfeited the claim construction arguments because they were not included in Voice Tech’s request for rehearing to the Board. The Federal Circuit disagreed, finding that a party’s choice to not re-raise an argument in a request for rehearing will not, by itself, forfeit the argument for review on appeal. The Court found that since Voice Tech had raised the claim construction arguments to the Board in its patent owner’s response, it had not forfeited those arguments on appeal.

The Federal Circuit also addressed Unified’s argument that Voice Tech’s proposed claim constructions would not change the outcome of the patentability analysis given the Board’s findings that the prior art disclosed the claim terms. The Court agreed with Unified, finding that it only needed to construe claim terms as necessary to resolve the controversy. The Court found that because Voice Tech’s responsive arguments were conclusory and failed to address how Voice Tech would be prejudiced by the Board’s adopted claim construction, the Federal Circuit did not need to consider Voice Tech’s claim construction arguments.

Finally, the Federal Circuit addressed Voice Tech’s arguments that the Board erred in finding that the prior art taught certain claim limitations and that Unified’s obviousness analysis was based on hindsight bias. The Court upheld the Board’s obviousness determinations as to all challenged claims, [...]

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Private Sale Means Public Fail

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed a Patent Trial & Appeal Board decision that a private sale of a product embodying the claimed invention did not qualify as a “public disclosure” under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b)(2)(B). Sanho Corp. v. Kaijet Technology Int’l Ltd, Inc., Case No. 23-1336 (Fed. Cir. July 31, 2024) (Dyk, Clevenger, Stoll, JJ.)

Sanho owns a patent directed to a port extension apparatus designed to enhance connectivity of end-user devices (such as laptops) with other devices (such as printers). Kaijet petitioned for inter partes review (IPR) challenging certain claims of Sanho’s patent, arguing that the claims were obvious based on a prior art reference. The Board found that the patent claims were invalid because of the prior art reference’s earlier effective filing date. Sanho argued that a prior sale of its HyperDrive device by the inventor of the patent should disqualify the reference as prior art. However, the Board determined that Sanho failed to demonstrate a public disclosure of the HyperDrive sale before the prior art reference’s effective filing date. Thus, the patent was invalidated. Sanho appealed.

The Federal Circuit affirmed, explaining that the America Invents Act (AIA) redefined prior art, shifting from a first-to-invent to a first-inventor-to-file system. Under the AIA, prior art includes patents and applications filed before the patent’s effective filing date subject to exceptions for public disclosures by the inventor. Sanho argued that the HyperDrive sale fell into this exception.

The Federal Circuit dismissed Sanho’s argument that the phrase “publicly disclosed” in § 102(b)(2)(B) should encompass all types of disclosures described in § 102(a)(1), including private sales. The crux of the issue was whether placing an invention “on sale” was tantamount to a “public disclosure” under § 102(b)(2)(B). The statute states that a disclosure is not prior art if the subject matter was publicly disclosed by the inventor before the effective filing date of the prior art. Sanho argued that “publicly disclosed” includes any disclosure, even private sales. The Court disagreed, explaining that the statute’s use of “publicly” implies a narrower scope than just “disclosed.” The Court noted that the purpose of this exception is to protect inventors who make their inventions available to the public before another’s patent filing.

The Federal Circuit also relied on legislative history in support of the conclusion that “public disclosure” in § 102(b)(2)(B) means the invention must be made available to the public. Sanho argued that as long as there are no confidentiality requirements, all disclosures, even private sales, should constitute public disclosures. Again, the Court rejected that argument, noting that the statute differentiates between “publicly disclosed” and general “disclosures,” implying different meanings.

The Federal Circuit determined that § 102(b)(2)(B) protects inventors who publicly disclose their inventions from subsequent disclosures by others, ensuring that prior public disclosure by the inventor prevents a third party’s disclosure from becoming prior art. This provision aims to encourage inventors to share their innovations with the public.

Practice Note: For a disclosure to qualify as “public” under the [...]

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PTAB MTA Pilot Program to the Rescue

On review of a final written decision from the Patent Trial & Appeal Board in an inter partes review (IPR), the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit found that all challenged claims were obvious but left open the possibility of the patent owner amending the claims under the Motion to Amend (MTA) Pilot Program. ZyXEL Communications Corp. v. UNM Rainforest Innovations, Case Nos. 22-2220; -2250 (Fed. Cir. July 22, 2024) (Dyk, Prost, Stark, JJ.)

ZyXEL Communications petitioned for IPR challenging claims 1 – 4, 6, 7 and 8 of a patent owned by UNM Rainforest Innovation (UNMRI). The patent relates to methods for constructing frame structures in communication systems using orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) technologies. The patent describes a method for constructing a frame structure with two sections, each of which is configured for a different communication system, where the second communication system is used to support high mobility users (i.e., faster moving users).

Before the Board, ZyXEL argued that claims 1 – 4, 6 and 7 were unpatentable in light of two prior art references (Talukdar and Li), and that claim 8 was unpatentable in light of Talukdar and another prior art reference (Nystrom). During the Board proceedings, UNMRI filed a contingent motion to amend if any of the challenged claims were found to be unpatentable. As part of its motion, UNMRI requested preliminary guidance from the Board pursuant to the Board’s MTA Pilot Program. In its opposition to UNMRI’s motion to amend, ZyXEL argued that UNMRI’s amended claims lacked written description support, and in its preliminary guidance, the Board agreed. UNMRI attempted to file a revised motion to amend, but the Board rejected the revised motion and instead permitted UNMRI to file a reply in support of its original motion. It also allowed ZyXEL to file a sur-reply. The Board determined that claims 1 – 4, 6 and 7 were unpatentable, but that claim 8 was not. The Board also granted UNMRI’s motion to amend and determined that the new claims were nonobvious over the prior art of record. Both sides appealed.

With respect to the Board’s decision on the obviousness of claims 1 – 4, 6 and 7, the Federal Circuit found that substantial evidence supported the ruling. UNMRI’s primary argument was that a person of skill in the art (POSA) would not have been motivated to combine Talukdar and Li, but the Court credited the Board’s reliance on ZyXEL’s expert, who demonstrated sufficient motivation to combine the two references.

The Federal Circuit reversed the Board’s finding that claim 8 had not been shown to be obvious, however. The Court noted that while the Nystrom reference may not explicitly state the benefit of the missing limitations, “a prior art reference does not need to explicitly articulate or express why its teachings are beneficial so long as its teachings are beneficial and a POSA would recognize that their application was beneficial.”

Regarding UNMRI’s motion to amend, ZyXEL argued that the Board erred in granting the [...]

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Don’t Mess With Anna: Texas Town Schools Patent Owner on § 101

On cross-appeals from a granted Fed. R. of Civ. Pro. 12(c) motion on subject matter eligibility, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit found that a patent directed to a method for “assist[ing] an investigator in conducting a background investigation” did not claim patent-eligible subject matter, but that the mere assertion of the patent did not render the case “exceptional” for the purposes of attorneys’ fees. Miller Mendel, Inc. v. City of Anna, Texas, Case No. 22-1753 (Fed. Cir. July 18, 2024) (Moore, C.J.; Cunningham, Stoll, JJ.)

Miller Mendel sued the City of Anna, Texas, for infringement of claims directed to software for managing pre-employment background investigations based on the Anna police department’s use of the Guardian Alliance Technologies (GAT) software platform. Miller Mendel’s complaint asserted “at least claims 1, 5, and 15” of the patent, each of which generally recited a “method for a computing device with a processor and a system memory to assist an investigator in conducting a background investigation” comprising the steps of receiving data identifying the applicant, storing the data, transmitting an applicant hyperlink to the applicant’s email address and receiving an applicant’s response.

Anna moved for judgment on the pleadings, alleging that the patent claims were ineligible for patent protection under 35 U.S.C. § 101. After the district court granted the motion, Miller Mendel filed a motion for reconsideration, arguing that the district court lacked jurisdiction to invalidate any unasserted patent claims. The district court denied the reconsideration motion but clarified that its decision was limited to asserted claims 1, 5 and 15. Anna also filed a motion for attorneys’ fees, which the district court denied, finding that the case was not exceptional. Miller Mendel appealed the § 101 issue, and Anna cross-appealed on the unasserted claims and attorneys’ fees issues.

The Federal Circuit first addressed Miller Mendel’s argument that the district court erred in relying on a declaration filed by Anna in ruling on the Rule 12(c) motion. The Court acknowledged that a Rule 12(c) motion must be treated as one for summary judgment if matters outside the pleadings are presented to and not excluded by the court. However, the district court explained that the declaration was not relevant to its decision, and it did not rely on any material outside the pleadings in its § 101 analysis. Thus, the Federal Circuit found that any error in failing to explicitly exclude the declaration was harmless.

Turning next to the patent eligibility analysis, the Federal Circuit agreed with the district court that under Alice step one, the asserted claims were directed to the abstract idea of performing a background check. The claims and specification emphasized that the invention was a system to “help a background investigator more efficiently and effectively conduct a background investigation” by “automating a majority of the tasks of a common pre-employment background investigation so that fewer hardcopy documents are necessary.” In other words, the problem facing the inventor was the abstract idea of performing background checks more efficiently [...]

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Beware Equitable Doctrine of Issue Preclusion in Multiparty, Multivenue Patent Campaigns

Addressing for the first time whether an invalidity order merges with a voluntary dismissal for purposes of finality, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that an interlocutory order merges with the final dismissal, rendering the interlocutory order final for purposes of issue preclusion. Koss Corp. v. Bose Corp., Case No. 22-2090 (Fed. Cir. July 19, 2024) (Hughes, Stoll, Cunningham, JJ.). As a consequence, the Federal Circuit found that the patent owner’s appeal from an adverse decision in an inter partes review (IPR) was moot under the doctrine of nonmutual collateral estoppel.

In July 2020, Koss filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Bose in the Western District of Texas, asserting three patents whose common specification discloses a “wireless earphone that communicates with a digital-audio source, such as an iPod, over an ad hoc wireless network like Bluetooth.” The same day, Koss asserted the same patents against Plantronics. Bose filed a motion challenging venue and also petitioned for inter partes review (IPR) of the three patents. Later in 2020, Bose filed a declaratory judgment action seeking a declaration of noninfringement in the District of Massachusetts on the three patents Koss asserted against Bose in the Texas litigation. The Massachusetts litigation was stayed pending the resolution of the venue motions in the Texas case.

In 2021, the Texas court dismissed Koss’s complaint against Bose for improper venue. Koss then asserted a counterclaim of infringement of the same three patents in the Massachusetts litigation. The Massachusetts court again stayed the litigation pending the resolution of the IPRs, which (by that time) the Patent Trial & Appeal Board had instituted. Meanwhile, Koss’s case against Plantronics was transferred to the Northern District of California, and Plantronics moved to dismiss the complaint on the ground that all the asserted claims (which included all the claims asserted against Bose) were invalid under 35 U.S.C. § 101. The California court granted Plantronics’s motion, rendering all the asserted claims invalid. However, that order did not finally dispose of the case.

Koss then moved for leave to amend its complaint, which the California district court granted. In the amended complaint, Koss asserted two additional patents. Plantronics moved to dismiss the asserted claims in those patents as invalid under § 101. The parties fully briefed Plantronics’s motion, but before the district court issued a decision on the merits of that motion, Koss voluntarily stipulated to dismissal with prejudice, disposing of the lawsuit in its entirety. Koss did not ask the district court to vacate its earlier order finding certain claims invalid under § 101. The California district court then issued an order dismissing the case with prejudice. The deadline for Koss to appeal the judgment came and went – Koss did not appeal.

Arguing that the patents had been finally adjudicated invalid in the Plantronics litigation, Bose moved to dismiss Koss’s appeal from the Board in the IPR proceedings as moot. Koss opposed the motion, arguing that its amended complaint rendered the invalidity decision on the prior complaint non-final because the [...]

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