Charles de Raignac

2022 IP Outlook Report: The Developments Shaping European IP Law
By Dr. Henrik Holzapfel, Laura Morelli, Claire Boosz, Charles de Raignac and Dr. Maximilian Kiemle, LLM on Mar 1, 2022
Posted In EU Update, Patents, Trademarks
Key Takeaways and Outlook for 2022 While European intellectual property (IP) regimes have slowly digested the Brexit shock, brand owners are vacillating between optimism and apprehension in 2022 as they navigate continuous developments in IP law. At the forefront is the prospect of greater patent law harmonization with the entry into force of the Unified...
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2020 IP Law Year in Review: European Issues
By Dr. Henrik Holzapfel, Laura Morelli and Charles de Raignac on Jan 26, 2021
Posted In Copyrights, EU Update, Patents, Trademarks
Executive Summary From a German perspective, 2020 saw highly interesting developments that may well have an impact even beyond the borders of Germany. For example, the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) in Sisvel v. Haier handed down a landmark decision on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) law. This decision has already affected many FRAND cases...
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BREXIT: How Will It Impact Your European Trademark Rights?
By Laura Morelli and Charles de Raignac on Dec 17, 2020
Posted In EU Update, Trademarks
The United Kingdom (UK) has officially withdrawn from the European Union (EU) on February 1, 2020, but will only become a third party after a transition period ending on December 31, 2020. With that date fast approaching, you are probably wondering what will change for your trademark rights on January 1, 2021? EU TRADEMARKS REGISTERED...
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2019 IP Law Year in Review: European Issues
By Dr. Philip Uecker, Laura Morelli, Dr. Henrik Holzapfel, Charles de Raignac and Paul Devinsky on Feb 13, 2020
Posted In Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks
Executive Summary The last year of the 2010s has been prolific in terms of important new pieces of legislation and case law within the European Union, and in France and Germany in particular. Indeed, the European Parliament and the EU Council adopted in April 17, 2019, a controversial directive (Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related...
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